Monday, October 6, 2008

The Horror!

Can you believe what I have to go through at this house? This dog is a menace. As you can see in the picture, she was trying to eat me the other day. She licked my brother one time and his fur was all slobbery and sticking up - gross!! It took him almost an hour to get it to lie down properly, then he was so tired he slept the rest of the day.

You can tell by the pink collar that it's me about to be devoured by the crazed canine. My people call me "Isabelly" and say I'm chubby - does this collar make me look fat?

My brother Artemis has a black and silver collar. Other than that it's difficult to tell us apart. Here's a picture of him hiding from the dog - look at those eyes! Have you ever seen such terror!?! I tell you, it's a miracle we have survived.

Still, all in all this is a pretty good place to live. If we can avoid being squashed, slobbered, or masticated by the dog.


Fat Max and friends said...

My last trip to the Vet was almost as bad. My owner doesn't realize that I no longer fit in that cute little cat carrier...but she "stuffs" me in there anyway. I made sure I complained ALL the way to the vet...

Fat Max and friends said...

I put my comment in the wrong place! (Hey, what do you expect from a cat. It's hard enough typing!!)

I have a slobbering, barking, cat litter eating dog in my house too... so I feel your pain. You just have to let them know who's boss!